Friday, September 2, 2011

Job Seeker or Job Maker

I'm Fresh Graduated from.. bla.. bla.. bla..
That's the sentence that I (or other) made to seek for a job..
Yes, Fresh Graduated, It's look like I am null, hahahaha
I want to make a job for people, but still don't have idea what will i do..
Are we really must have an idea to survive? or we need money(the one that i haven't)?
My only shot is my hope..
Not enough hope yet, but try to make a big hope.. hahahaha

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

confession 1


i don't really know what my heart think about.

my heart near death, you know, i don't know right or wrong.

it's really didn't speak to me again.

antipathy, cruel, and compromised with my sins.

i don't understand, but nowadays i start to fear losing heart,losing sympathy

This Era, this situations getting worst.

People kill each other for no reason.

Watching bad news everday give side effect to our hearts.

We need a good -positive vibration to help us fight this distortion..

Friday, May 27, 2011

olo olo nakarejo

le where's your position?
let's play billiard an hour.
olo olo nakarejo.
eelo le where's your position?
let's make a party
a swimming pool party.
olo olo nakarejo.

so olo olo nakarejo means ...
-roger that-

Friday, April 1, 2011

menghalalkan ketabuan suatu aturan

satu minggu ini saya berpikir tentang banyak macam hal yang tidak layak saya pikirkan.
ya, pernahkah anda memikirkan hal yang tidak boleh anda pikirkan karena hal tersebut tabu? tidak sesuai dengan aturan anda.
aturan yang saya maksud disini sejatinya adalah norma yang dimiliki masing-masing orang, ya norma ini dari hati.. nurani.. asa..
setiap orang memiliki aturan dan pandangan yang berbeda yang tidak boleh dimasuki oleh orang lain. memikirkan apa yang ada dalam nurani seseorang itu sudah dosa buat saya.

tapi pernahkah terpikir oleh anda untuk melakukan suatu penetrasi kedalam asa kecil,hati kecil seseorang?
yang kalau anda lakukan berarti anda telah merebut hidup orang itu dari miliknya.

milikilah akal yang sehat untuk menghargai orang lain dan jadilah orang yang lebih baik

nb: ini hanya khayalan saya,hhehehe
tulisan bodoh ini disponsori oleh otak 1200cc

Thursday, March 24, 2011

thanks for google

when you don't know the right direction..

when you want to write a diary..

when you need some information..

when you want to solve your programming problem..

when you want.. bla bla bla.. and many more...

google is always be there for you

thanks Goo

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

feeling so blue

"if you're not happy children..then you must be blue...."-Soul rebel by:Bob Marley

walking in the morning this day,too much paranoia in my head.

feels like i can't happy and relax.

but then i saw a snail. it's move slowly and relax

i think it's because it's carrying it home..

so that i just realize why i'm feeling so blue.

i just not think about i'm in home when work...

hahaha if we think we're in home, everythings gonna be alright.

Monday, March 21, 2011

monday vibration

yoyoyo this is monday vibration yow..

this monday i went to campus, and meet my lecturer
after that i go to my office.

just that?

no, i just wanna say i'm happy and hope you happy too in every monday..

just that?

yes, just like that


Saturday, March 19, 2011

i hate revision

revision of something is ridicolous
spend not only my money,but also my mother's and friend's
that's fuck

and i hate to print much paper..
fuck again..

Thursday, March 17, 2011

jquery autocomplete from array

function create data();

wah saya membuat sendiri sebuah sintaks yang sangat berguna,,,
terima kasih jquery..

kemudian saya juga melengkapi sebuah form dengan banyak validasi..
validasi berantai yang cukup mudah dan efektif..
lagi lagi berkat jquery

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

feeling so down

2 days i've been sick
i leave my job and that's too bad..

today , something happen and i doesn't worry about my thesis anymore,i don't know...
i know my thesis is gonna be hard , but i just no worry about it

are this because i'm feeling so down?
i don't know,,,
just relax and enjoy this 3 mounths again

Monday, March 7, 2011

New Mission New Target ,So ? Lock and Load!!

March 2011,
February has been and gone

March has its own problem and bless..

Although my job and target not accomplished in february but we must moving..

In this great month i have a new mission to accomplished my company web project..


starts with laugh, make a requirements, start the boom!!

Yes , in the end is the art of Blast!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

HaloMas Back to Campus

if everyday i wake up in the morning to do m job, now i can relax
i come back to campus after 2 mounts adapted in company
i'm back with new knowledge that i studied in company.

what i've got is using framework in php..
and i choose yii framework,it work great..

mantap thank you

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Write Wrote Wrath !

it's been 3 mounths since i'm not write something..
yeah, 3 mounths i'm under a hermitage..

what i've got is Human is small colony,there are lot of monster after us..
it's fear,pride,faith,hope and many more..

eating me from the feet and up and up and up..
make i can't think what i must thinking.
inspiration is hard to get.
think think think!!
why people must think?!

God gives the solution.
Now i really fresh.
Yes I.